Many organizations utilize role-playing scenarios to provide real-life experience. These programs can be particularly effective if you have a highly trained and well-informed actor you can rely on to present an accurate depiction of the type of challenging people they may face.

Station Theater has extensive experience in developing talent and providing improvisational actors specifically for these training simulations. Our corporate actors are trained to communicate in a natural way to create the needed atmosphere while also seamlessly integrating vital details into their performance.

Such training simulations include:

HR Officer Compliance
No workplace is safe from a possible disputes. Whether dealing with discrimination, interpersonal conflict, or physical altercations, human resource representatives must be properly trained to defuse conflict. If human resource representatives are not properly trained, their involvement could make a bad situation even worse.

Arbitration Training
Arbitrators have the important job of acting as an impartial settler of disputes. Unlike a mediator, an arbitrator will usually have the authority to make decisions on behalf of a court. Simulations allow arbitrators to develop the skills needed to make fair judgement calls.